19:30 Haus des Rundfunks

Mensch, Musik! #6.1 – Return to the Unknown

Works by

Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Bohuslav Martinů, Ursula Manlok, George Walker and Dai Fujikura as well as elektronische Kompositionen von Richard Scott

Ruth Reinhardt


Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin


Text, Concept, Realisation

David Nebel


Nadine Contini


Alejandro Regueira Caumel


Hans-Jakob Eschenburg


Mohamed Gamal


Richard Scott

Modular Synthesizer

Gustavo Llano

Choreography and dance

Inka Löwendorf


Victoria Randem


Return to the Unknown – Who am I, where do I come from, where do I belong?

Questions of origin, home and identity connect the evening’s composers, who were expelled from their homeland (Bohuslav Martinů, Ursula Mamlok), no longer live in their country of origin (Dai Fujikura) or artistically deal with the enslavement of their ancestors (George Walker). Their symphonic and chamber music works meet electronic compositions by the British composer Richard Scott at the Haus des Rundfunks.

The Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin will continue its “Mensch, Musik!” series with an interdisciplinary performance of song, dance, language, symphonic and electronic music under the direction of Ruth Reinhardt.

Not only musical styles, but also dance, song and spoken theatre will be interwoven: The Norwegian-Nicaraguan soprano Victoria Randem, interprets Mendelssohn’s Heine song settings in an unsettling arrangement by Aribert Reimann. The dancer and choreographer Gustavo Ilano was forced to leave his Colombian homeland at the end of the 1990s and expressively portrays his own life story in “Heimkehr in die Fremde”.

And the actress and speaker Inka Löwendorf lends her voice to texts about home and foreign countries.

In the foyer of the Haus des Rundfunks, artists from Catalyst will be exploring the theme of ” homeland” in an installation entitled “Who do you think you are?”.

Can the notion of homeland be explored from the perspective of microorganisms? ‘Who do you think you are?’ is a multimedia installation that presents a posthuman viewpoint on the concept of homeland. In scaling up microbial activity, this installation reveals the complex and rich life of organisms that humans often overlook. This representation directly challenges the humanist doctrine that we are superior to these other organisms, and in doing so allows us to frame questions about human concepts through their perspective. Applied to the concept of homeland, such questions could be: What is homeland to microbial life? What are borders? Do they experience homesickness or patriotism? And, what is their relationship to our understanding of homeland?

‘Who do you think you are?’ is designed by Connor Oman & Joshua Mellard, and produced with help from Maria Vélez Gallo, Simón Guevara Wells & ShySam.

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