Stefan Gähler

The german tenor, Stephan Gähler, began his musical education in 1985 as a member of the Dresdner Kapellknaben at the local catholic cathedral in Dresden. Although he studied transport science and geography, he never abandoned his passion for singing. From 2003, he graduated from private singing studies with Professor Margret Trappe-Wiel in Dresden.
As a soloist, Stephan Gähler is mainly engaged in early music, his repertoire includes the concerto literature of the Renaissance through the Baroque to early Classical period. The cantatas, the Weihnachts-Oratorium (BWV248) as well as the part of the Evangelists in the great Passions of J.S.Bach and George Frideric Handel’s Messiah should be mentioned here in the first place.
Mr. Gähler has always felt particularly drawn to singing in singly occupied solo ensembles with the focus on literature of the 16th to 18th centuries with music such as Lassus, Schütz, Schein, Buxtehude or Monteverdi. This includes especially the cooperation with the Cappella Sagittariana Dresden, Ensemble Amarcord Leipzig, Cappella Augustana Bologna, Ensemble Sette Voci of the renowned dutch Bass Peter Kooij or in the versatile acting Athesinus Consort Berlin wich dedicates its work to many styles of classical music.