RSB & the Voluntary Social Year in Culture
an info page
Press and public relations
The activities in the area of press and public relations form the largest and most time-consuming part of the tasks in the FSJ Culture at the RSB.
The main task is to collect and archive press reports on the RSB from the media. This means that all articles, interviews and other contributions on all concerts and other events of the RSB are given the correct title and stored. These press reports should, of course, reach the orchestra members and the management team. For this purpose, press reviews of the individual events are compiled, which are then sent to the orchestra members and the management team with short summaries. In this way, everyone is always informed about what is happening and the press coverage of the RSB.
Another task is maintaining the programme booklet archive and the print media archive. At each concert, a pair of programme booklets are put back, neatly labelled with the date and title of the event, and put into the archive. Likewise, a pair of copies of all brochures, monthly flyers and other promotional materials are labelled and archived.
The FSJKers also create the customer newsletter and the press newsletter, as well as various press releases. They create the layout in our mailing programme, select pictures of the respective events, cut them and insert them into the newsletters, and also enter all the links to the RSB website.
Another task is to maintain and fill various concert calendars in the city. The FSJKers create overviews of upcoming RSB concerts and events and send them to various media that run and publish concert calendars, such as Concerti or tipBerlin.
In addition, the FSJKers also take care of ticket enquiries from the press, process them and pass them on to the visitor service.