Mikhail Timoshenko

Mikhail Timoshenko is known for the beauty of his timbre and his outstanding musicality.
Born in Russia, he began his musical and theatrical training in Mednogorsk at the singing class of Tatiana
Mayorova and then studied in Weimer and Berlin (Hans Eisler) under the tutelege of Michail Lanskoi.
From 2015 to 2017, he was a member of the Academy of the Opéra National de Paris and starred in the behindthe-
scenes look at the Paris Opera Documentary film by Jean-Stéphane Bron ”L’Opéra”. He performed in
numerous concerts in the Amphithéâtre concert hall of the Bastille Opera. He sang in the world premiere of
Joanna Lee’s Vol Retour and performed the role of Pluton (Monteverdi’s L’Orfeo). He has sung Spencer Coyle
(Owen Wingrave), Hymas and Tirtée (Les Fêtes d’Hébé) in Paris and in London, Erster Handwerksbursch
(Wozzeck), Silvano (Un Ballo in Maschera), Mitioukha (Boris Godunov) on the main stage of Bastille Opera.
Mikhail is laureate of many competitions, among others, he won Opera the International Maria Callas Grand
Prix in 2016 and, together with his Lied-Duo-Partner Elitsa Desseva he won First Prizes in “Franz Schubert und
die Moderne”, Graz, Hugo-Wolf-Gesellschaft Stuttgart and the Wigmore Hall Competition, and second prize at
the Schubert Lied Duo Competition Dortmund.
Operatic highlights of his firsts professional seasons include the world premiere of the chamber opera En Silence
(by Alexandre Desplat) in Luxembourg and Paris- Bouffes du Nord, Orlik in Tchaikovsky’s Mazeppa at the Ópera
de Oviedo (Spain), Moser in I Masnadieri at the Opera Monte Carlo, Masetto in Don Giovanni at Paris Opéra
Garnier and Opernhaus Düsseldorf, Figaro in Le Nozze di Figaro Opéra national de Lorraine à Nancy, “Magic
Mozart” in Luxembourg, Ottokar (Der Freischütz) at the Konzerthaus Berlin, Mozart’s Requiem (cond. Philippe
His projects for the 2021/22 season and the following ones : Mozart’s Requiem in St Petersburg and in Moscow
(cond. Teodor Currentzis), Masetto in Paris, Erster Handwerkbursch (Wozzeck) in Paris, Albert (Werther) in
Lausanne, Marcello in Toulouse, Mozart’s concert at La Seine Musicale / Paris, Chtchelkalov (Boris Godounov)
in Toulouse and in Paris/TCE.
Since 2009 he gives charity concerts for children with mental disorders in Russia. In a cooperation with the
autonomous non-profit organization ”Touch” in Orenburg he supports several boarding-schools for mentally
handicapped children.